pAiGe HaLeY bE HiS FuLL nAmE. aNd hE iS tHe DeViLiSh LooKiNg oNe. hEhEhE. GOD hE's SeXy! hEhE. oK lEt'S c...hE wAs MaRRiEd fOr 4 YeArS bUt gOt DiVoRcEd (aWwWw). bUt oF cOuRsE nOw hE's SiNgLe! hEhEhE. hE hAs tHe PrEttiEsT bAbY bLuEs!! bUt He SoOoOo PaLe! hEhE. bUt aNyWaYs, b4 wE gEt tO tHe PiCs hErE's aNoThEr fAcT: pAiGe uSe tO b A hOuSe pAiNtEr! LoL. oK nOw PiCs! |